Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered

The devil's strategy in deceiving believers is to make them doubt the faithfulness of God in answering prayer. Satan would have us believe God has shut His ears to our cry and left us to work things out for ourselves. A Few Encouragements and Warnings Concerning Prayer; When You Are Down, and Satan Whispers In Your Ear That God Has Forgotten You, Stop His Mouth With This: "Devil - it is not God who has forgotten, but it is me. I've forgotten all His past blessings, or else I could not now be questioning his faithfulness." Here are some good reasons God may not be answering your prayers. Un-forgiveness Maybe God isn’t answering your prayers because you hold a grudge against someone who has hurt you. If you’ve not forgiven them, then you have an obstacle between you and God. Jesus once addressed this situation when He said “whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive y...