Holy Spirit is the 3rd in God head; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He is a divine personality and the spirit of God. The baptism in the Holy Ghost is the endowment of power from on high upon the sanctified believer. It is the promise of the father. When one receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit; it is accomplished by the initial evidence of speaking in language unlearned before. it is referred to as speaking in tongue as the spirit gives utterance. Jesus commands the disciples to wait for the experience (Acts 1:8). It is a necessity for every child of God to be effective in walking and working with God. Merits of Holy Ghost Baptism 1. He empowers us Acts 1:8 2. He guides into all truth John 16:13 3. Comforts, counsel and commands Isaiah 11:1, 2 4. Help us in prayer Romans 8: 26, 27 5. Helps and gives victory in temptation Romans 8: 2, 26, 27 6. Quicken and heals our mortal body Roman 8:11 7. Convicts of sin John 16:7 - 11 8. Teach all things Joh...