1. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME WHEN I RECEIVED SALVATION? a) My Sins Were Remitted. When you remit money to someone else; it means the money is gone. It is no longer yours. Remission means the sin is wiped and blotted out; it is forgotten (Isaiah 43:25), (Heb.10:16-18). In remission, sins are forgiven, erased and forgotten. This could only happen by the death of Jesus which was the payment for sins (Romans 6:23). He has paid for suns past, present and future. There is nothing to pay for anymore. b) I Was Justified, declared not guilty. Justification is the opposite of condemnation (Rom 3: 24). The case against me was thrown out and I stand before God as though I never sinned. Infact, there is no record of sin against me ever again because Jesus paid the full price so I stand before God innocent, guiltless, not condemned and can never be (Romans 8:1). c) I Was Recreated (2 Cor. 5:17), (Jn 3:3-7). Regeneration means to recreate. That means a new creature was born or cr...